Garden Early Learning center - Kindergarten
Price:from 200 000 idr drop-off (2 hours), 2.5m idr a week
- Age:2-7 years
- Language:English
- Min. duration:0 months
- Working hours:8:00 - 16:00
- Single drop off:yes
At The Garden Early Learning we believe that the first 6 years in a child’s life, is an important time where the brain rapidly develops and children are learning and mastering skills known as developmental milestones. Parents are their child’s first teacher and our teachers respect and work in partnership to nurture each child’s developmental stages. We value the importance of relationships. Positive relationships and are essential for a child to bond with an educator and to feel safe a secure. Once children have established a bond with an educator, they can then start to explore the learning environment and interact with peers. Every new experience, each moment of discovery helps to shape who they are and who they’ll become. We seek to create a community of learners, where children and adults, play, work, talk, think, invent and create together. Our learning areas inside and outside the classroom incorporate a play-based pedagogy. The learning areas are defined small spaces and attention to detail is paramount where educators offer rich provocations to encourage children’s learning and skill acquisition. Our educators intentional teach the children using a play-based approach.
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