Molodost - Nature



by Molodost
Bali, Denpasaron the map
Price:from 640 000 idr for 4 classes
  • Age:9-12 years
  • Language:Russian
  • Working hours:17:00 - 18:00
  • Group size:4-5
  • Single lesson:no
Our goal is to bring children closer to science and nature through direct contact - practice. We hold classes for 1-2 months - we study different groups of animals and plants, the information and practice flows smoothly from one lesson to another, the guys memorize the terms and principles of biology and ecology without needing to cram. Our program is not only more in-depth study of biology and ecology than at school, but also develops such qualities as: diligence, patience, eye sight, analytical thinking, makes a child closer to nature, removes unnecessary fears and prejudices, and teaches to treat living beings with care. At the end of each block we make a final presentation of our work - we design collections of creatures, publish a mini atlas of creatures created by children, get together all the club and parents, and have a great time with a cup of tea and conversation, while the club children watch a movie about the great naturalists.Circle is a small scientific family, we have interesting and cozy, we will be glad to see you with us
Tral class for 60 000 idr