Green school - Middle+ School

Price:from 60m idr a semester
- Age:11-16 years
- Language:English
- Min. duration:12 months
- Working hours: -
- Single drop off:no
Green School High School students go into the world equipped to make change as well-rounded, skilled and knowledgeable global citizens who seek to live purpose-driven lives and have a positive impact on their communities. We aim to guide our students as they embrace their own personal learning journeys, share their passions, and to take responsibility for themselves as leaders within our school and beyond. We do this by asking challenging questions and identifying the complex interconnected systems and relationships impacted. Then through innovation and the lens of social and environmental justice, we create solutions and implement those solutions in the real world.
We celebrate a love for learning as a life-long pursuit, beyond the classroom, beyond the campus and beyond graduation. Together we provide every opportunity for our students to stand out from the crowd and maximise pathway opportunities. We provide courses that allow exploration, courses that encourage deep skill and knowledge development, and advanced level courses with specialised applied elements. Our High School has held and guided 10 years of graduates who are attending universities around the world, working in inspiring organisations, starting their own enterprises and finding purpose in what they do
We celebrate a love for learning as a life-long pursuit, beyond the classroom, beyond the campus and beyond graduation. Together we provide every opportunity for our students to stand out from the crowd and maximise pathway opportunities. We provide courses that allow exploration, courses that encourage deep skill and knowledge development, and advanced level courses with specialised applied elements. Our High School has held and guided 10 years of graduates who are attending universities around the world, working in inspiring organisations, starting their own enterprises and finding purpose in what they do
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